The game "Mephisto!," sometimes with the subtitle "Misfortune Awaits," has existed in two forms- one for the original Game Boy, and a "remastered" version created by an unknown party in 2024.
The original Game Boy version of the game was a bizarre, cryptic puzzle game in which the main character, grieving over the loss of their husband or wife (depending on if you select 'male' or 'female' at the beginning of the game), goes through a dungeon of puzzles chasing a creature referred to only as Mephisto, seeking a deal to bring their loved one back to life.
The puzzles in the game varied, from a simplistic version of Tetris to block-pushing and even a small sudoku at one point.
Mephisto taunted you as the game progressed, always just a couple rooms ahead of you but presumably transferring messages into your brain in-universe. Things like "You'll never save your [wife/husband]!" "Misfortune awaits you!" and "I have all the power here!"
Remember that final one.
The game's first ending was equally cryptic. Rather than a clear-cut "good" or "bad" ending where you reunite with your lover or Mephisto refuses to do so, etc., after you complete the game's final puzzle, a close-up of Mephisto appears on screen, with text below it reading, "DO YOU BELIEVE YOU DESERVE YOUR REWARD?" with a prompt reading yes or no. No matter which one you chose, Mephisto claimed that you were lying and restarts the game. You have to re-clear the final puzzle (thankfully, the game allowed you to level-select, but it was still a grueling, long affair), and then you would thwart Mephisto and save your lover in a short cutscene.
This was not referred to anywhere in the game's supplementary materials and many players understandably assumed they had simply chosen the wrong thing and gave up on the game.
The remaster of the game, simply called "Mephisto!: Misfortune" was released on Steam by a game developer we still know nothing about. The "developer" link was simply a single dash, and attempting to view it threw a generic Steam "page not found" error.
The game itself was clearly not professionally made, put together in an engine that was obviously RPGMaker, for the first half, at least. The graphics were imported directly from the original game, resulting in some artifacts and poorly-done pixel scaling.
As well as this, there were sprites obviously ripped from other games, such as tilesets from Link's Awakening and, oddly enough, a sprite of Mario from the original Mario Land.
We'll get to that later.
The dialogue in the game seemed to sometimes be a direct translation from Japanese, but sometimes the dialogue was original and very ominous and confusing. For example, the original dialogue for when you began the game was
Author's Notes:
The world's first ever spitepasta- but not written out of my own spite.
Rather, recently I had gotten to wondering if Jeff the Killer appreciated the hundreds of copycats and stalkery "girlfriends" like Jane the Killer, Emmett the Slasher, Nina the Killer, etc. I had gotten to thinking, what if he hated them?
I feel like I made Jeff too Deadpool-esque in this, but I kind of had to have him break character because he'd probably never get this pissed off in his original story.
This isn't an attack on the authors of Emmett the Slasher and Nina the Killer, by the way- especially since back in 2021 NtK's author made a very good rewrite of her character. I just thought this'd be funny in a morbid kind of way.